Hot Desking: The Best Deal When Coworking

Having a dedicated desk space is actually good in many ways because there’s a sense of ownership. In traditional offices, having a dedicated desk space for you is actually common. However, over time, it may affect your boost in productivity because you probably feel bored sitting in the same spot every day of your work.

On the other hand, a dedicated desk for someone coworking is also common. It is an optional inclusion when you avail this type of membership. On the other hand, what makes a coworking space popular is its new approach to letting people feel more free and comfortable when they work—hot desking.

In this blog, we will share with you some of the top reasons why hot-desking is becoming more and more popular for people who are coworking.


Increased Communication And Collaboration

Whether you are working individually or part of a team, hot-desking helps you to have increased communication and more chances to collaborate. 

For example, when you are part of a team that opts for hot-desking rather than having its own dedicated space or its own private office, your team has a high potential to collaborate well. Hot desking allows you to bond without feeling that you are isolated from other people. Your creativity will boost because you can see different scenery in the coworking space everyday. Thus, it leads your team to meet new talents that may potentially be part of your growing team.

For individuals, hot desking is a great option so you won’t feel isolated. You have the chance to meet new people every day and potentially collaborate with them by sharing knowledge that could help you work productively. You can start networking and self-promoting yourself and your business.


Create Your Own On-The-Go Workstation

Hot desking means that you are sitting on a different (available) desk everyday. This is a good opportunity for you to explore the coworking space. And a good way for you not to feel bored because your everyday surroundings feel fresh and new. It could even lead you to meet new people, start networking, and collaborate with them.

Though you don’t have a permanent seat, it doesn’t mean that you cannot personalize your desk for that day. You can always do it by bringing personal but just a few small items like plants. The idea is for you to have a sense of comfort while working.


Create A More Warm And Fun Atmosphere

If you are part of a team that is hot-desking, it is a great opportunity for you and your teammates to bond, especially when there is project collaboration. The idea is that even though you are working, the essence of being able to sit next to one another gives you and your teammates the opportunity to think outside the box, feel creative, and exchange ideas without the need of organizing meetings.


Sense Of Responsibility

When hot desking, it really doesn’t guarantee that you have a different seat everyday. Sometimes you may have the same seat for a while. But it doesn’t require you to settle and make it your own. Remember that when hot-desking, you don’t have a dedicated and exclusive work desk for you. But even though your seat is not permanent, the idea of hot-desking is for you to have the sense of responsibility of taking care of the seat you are occupying—cleaning and organizing it after you use it.



Hot desking is popular not only because of the many merits you can gain in it but also because it is an affordable option when coworking. This means that you are sharing the cost of renting the space rather than shouldering a whole space when you choose to have your own private space. Thus, you still have the perks (but may vary) like other members who have their own private space.


The Bottom Line

Whether you are working independently or part of the team who wants to join a coworking space, hot desking is definitely worth considering. But remember that this is not the only option or type of membership that you can avail of. There are many different types of membership in a coworking space. Nonetheless, you should also ask yourself which between sharing a space or owning a private space is more beneficial for you and your business.

If you want to take advantage of the benefits of hot desking then go for it. Coordinate with the management of the options that you can have if you want to try hot-desking for a short period of time first.


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