What’s Next for Coworking Spaces After Pandemic

The concept of spaces for coworking was unheard of before as most of the people are focus-driven on working in offices, mostly from 9 to 5 jobs. But over the last decade, coworking spaces have dramatically risen to popularity due to their fun and relaxing setup.

As many have said, “the future of work may not be at the office, but progressing with your work may not be at home either.” Sometimes working in the office continuously makes us get separated from the world. On the other hand, working at home can sometimes make us less focused because of house chores. These are some of the things that led to coworking spaces being born. 


Working Without Feeling Tied Up

In simple terms, a coworking space is an environment giving people the opportunity to work in an environment with a subtle office vibe (with less pressure), but making them feel more comfortable like you’re at home (to have a productive mind). People who don’t feel like being tied up at the office are the ones who are really enjoying working in a coworking space. It gives them the opportunity to work remotely but, at the same time, do some of their hobbies like traveling.


Pandemic Happened

Due to its growing popularity, coworking spaces are like mushrooms appearing everywhere around the world, giving more chances to people to experience work-life balance. It brings strangers to one place to work, to meet, and to continue excelling at work while doing it remotely. However, the pandemic happened.

Since the business structure of a coworking space is to bring people [or better say ‘strangers’] to let them work remotely—share desks, spaces, and common areas—the business was hit hard when the pandemic spread out in the world. Mass gatherings are prohibited for safety reasons which is why the business has to stop indefinitely. And needless to say that it looked like it was the end of the coworking space era.

In 2020, many of us were stuck at home for a year to prevent coronavirus from spreading with limited interaction with other people (which happened virtually). And given the situation, it made us wonder if the day will come for public spaces and businesses, like a coworking space, to open up again.


It’s Post-Pandemic… Almost

As many businesses have closed down and filed for bankruptcy over the last year, there are still people and businesses hoping to open up again and get back to normal. And when the covid-19 vaccine finally started rolling out, it became a silver lining for us.

This year 2021 became a pave way for setting up businesses again to get back on their own feet. Many businesses, if not all, are opening up again despite the restrictions. This is just a fact that there’s still hope for the coworking space business. Furthermore, if there are a couple of realizations we gained from the pandemic, it is safe to say that one of those would be the realization that working remotely is truly possible. Although we’re forced to learn it and shift to working remotely entirely, we’ve managed to do it.

And now that we’ve adjusted enough to work remotely, it is a good opportunity for a coworking space to gain back its popularity. Opposite to what many believed that when pandemic started the coworking spaces died, it is not. 

The business will be back and will be able to make its own dedicated place in the business industry once more.

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