How to Make Working Remotely Work for You

How to Make Working Remotely Work for You

Are you looking for a new place to work from home or start working remotely? If yes, then coworking spaces might be the perfect solution for you. These places offer shared office space, where members can come together to collaborate on projects and meet other professionals.

Coworking spaces are becoming increasingly popular around the globe. They provide flexible workspace options for freelancers and remote workers who want to get away from their homes and offices.

Working from home can be great, but it also has its downsides. For example, you may miss out on social interaction, especially during lunchtime. This can be detrimental to productivity. Luckily, coworking spaces allow you to enjoy both benefits at once.

In this article, we will discuss what coworking is, how they differ from traditional offices, and why they are so beneficial for freelancers and remote employees. We’ll also give you some tips on how to find the best coworking space in your area.

What Is Coworking?

The term “coworking” was first heard by Americans by Brian DeKoven, a game designer, in 1999. He coined the term after he started sharing his office with other designers.

As time passed, more people began using the term to describe similar arrangements. Today, coworking is used to refer to any arrangement that allows individuals to share an office space. The most common types of coworking include:

Freelance/Remote Workers – Freelancers and remote workers often use coworking spaces as a way to save money while still having access to professional resources.

Startups – Startup founders often use coworking spaces because they need to focus on their business without distractions.

Meetup Groups – Some groups organize meetings at coworking spaces.

You can read our guide on how to choose the right coworking space here.

Today, coworking is gaining popularity across the world. In fact, there are now over 1 million coworking spaces worldwide.

Why Do People Use Coworking Spaces?

There are several reasons why people choose to work in coworking spaces. Some prefer the flexibility of being able to come and go at their convenience. Others enjoy the social aspect of meeting new people and collaborating with colleagues. Still, others appreciate the opportunity to save money on rent or office supplies.

Regardless of the reason, coworking offers many advantages for freelancers and remote teams. But while many already have already the idea of what “coworking” is and how it works, there’s still one question left unanswered: How to make working remotely work for you?

Working Remotely Effectively In A Coworking Space

To be able to work remotely, here are a few important tips that you might want to consider to be able to work effectively and productively while in a coworking space.

Communicate Effectively

One of the biggest challenges when working remotely is communicating effectively with your team members. It’s hard to know if someone else understands what you mean when you say something.

This problem becomes even worse when you don’t see each other face-to-face. To avoid misunderstandings, try to communicate clearly through email, chat apps like Slack or Skype, video calls, etc.

Another thing you should keep in mind is that you shouldn’t assume that everyone knows what you’re talking about. If you’re not sure whether your colleague understood you correctly, ask them directly.

Use Tools That Help You Collaborate More Productively

When you work remotely, you usually spend less time together than when you work in an office. This means that you’ll probably have fewer opportunities to collaborate with your teammates.

However, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take advantage of tools that help you stay connected and collaborate better. For example, you could set up a shared calendar so that you all know exactly where everyone stands. Or you could create a private group on Facebook so that you can easily discuss ideas and projects.

If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out these awesome tools for remote collaboration.

Set Up Your Workspace So That You Can Focus Better

If you’ve been working from home for a long time, chances are that you’ve become accustomed to doing things in a certain order. And since you don’t have anyone telling you what to do, you may find yourself getting distracted by random tasks.

The same goes for your workspace. When you work from home, you tend to get distracted by everything around you. From laundry to kids’ toys, you end up spending more time cleaning and organizing instead of focusing on your work.

In a coworking space, however, you won’t have to worry about distractions because there will be no clutter. Instead, you’ll only have to focus on your work.

Take Advantage Of The Social Atmosphere

Coworking spaces offer a great opportunity to meet new people and build relationships with your coworkers. While you might feel comfortable enough to talk to your friends and family, you might also feel uncomfortable approaching strangers.

But if you’re used to working alone, you might find it difficult to interact with people who aren’t familiar with you. Fortunately, coworking spaces provide a friendly environment where you can meet new people without feeling awkward.

So make sure to use this opportunity to connect with others and learn how they work.

Working remotely has many benefits, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. For instance, you’ll need to figure out how to manage your time efficiently.

You’ll also need to establish clear communication channels with your colleagues. In addition, you’ll want to find ways to motivate yourself and stay focused.

To help you achieve all of these goals, we put together a list of tips and tricks that will help you succeed as a remote worker.

  1. Set Clear Goals

Before you start working remotely, it’s important to define the purpose of your job. What does success look like? How much time will you need to dedicate to each project?

Once you have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish, you’ll be able to determine which tasks are most important. Then you can prioritize accordingly.

  1. Manage Your Time Well

It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re working from home. But if you want to keep your productivity high, you’ll need to ensure that you’re not wasting any time.

One way to do this is to schedule meetings at specific times during the day. This way, you’ll avoid having to waste time waiting for other people to show up.

Another option is to use an app like Google Calendar or Trello to create a task list. By using these apps, you’ll be able to catch up on any unplanned activities before they take over your life.

  1. Stay Focused

When you work from home, it’s easy to get distracted by anything and everything else going on in your life. To prevent this from happening, try setting aside a dedicated area in your house where you can focus on your work. It could be a corner of your living room, a spare bedroom, or even a small office.

If you don’t have a designated spot, you can still carve out some quiet time every morning. Try taking a walk outside or listening to music while you work.

  1. Use Technology Wisely

When you work from home, technology plays a huge role in helping you complete your daily tasks. However, too much technology can actually distract you from accomplishing your goals.

For example, if you spend hours watching YouTube videos instead of writing code, you’ll never reach your full potential. So make sure you limit your screen time so that you can maximize your productivity.

  1. Find Ways To Motivate Yourself

While working from home can be challenging, it doesn’t mean that you should feel discouraged. Instead, you should embrace the freedom that comes with being a freelancer.

By doing so, you’ll be more likely to stick to your goals and complete projects on time. Plus, you’ll be able to enjoy the flexibility that comes with working from home.

The Bottom Line

Working remotely isn’t always easy. But by following our tips, you’ll be able to build a successful career as a freelance developer. Always remember to set realistic expectations and stay organized. If you follow these steps, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a top-notch remote worker.

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