How To Deal With A Difficult Coworker?

Coworking is easier to explain as it’s like when you’re going into an office to work. The only difference is that your coworkers in the space belong to a different employer and/or work remotely and independently. Still, the atmosphere of shared office space is more relaxed and comfortable than a traditional office—your flexible schedule also plays a part in it.

On the other hand, when talking about realistic situations, being in a coworking space may not always be paradise. Even though each and everyone works independently with different career backgrounds, there’s a chance where you may encounter a difficult coworker. So, what should you do when you meet one? How are you going to approach the situation? How will you deal with this coworker that can make your time coworking stressful?

In this blog, we will share with you some approaches that you can use when dealing with a difficult coworker.


Identify The Difficult Coworker

Of course, it’s easy to point out a difficult coworker knowing that he/she may be trying to make simple things complicated. The idea is not to brand them again as the “difficult” coworker but instead observe his behavior. If this coworker is starting to make a distraction with your work, try to calmly talk to him.

Obviously, it is easier said than done. However, you must be the bigger person in this situation. Don’t start a fight, but instead calmly approach the situation in a professional manner. For example, if he/she is making noises, try to stop him. Once or twice of attempts would be enough. If it doesn’t work out, let’s proceed to the next approach.


Understand The Situation

If this coworker cannot be pleased in a moderate manner, don’t clash with him or her. Try to find another spot or desk where you can work instead to avoid making the situation worse.

If in case, this coworker is really a nuisance despite changing your location but still causing a distraction for you, take a breath and calm yourself. Try to evaluate the situation. Check if maybe you’re part of the problem. It doesn’t mean that you really are, it’s just worth considering for the sake of finding a solution. But let’s be real, it’s not easy to admit sometimes when we’re the ones at fault. Let’s say for example, put yourself in his/her shoes. Maybe you can understand why this coworker is being difficult. If this approach still did not work, don’t panic because there’s one more way to deal with this.


Seek For Assistance

Coworking spaces are created not only to host individuals who want to cowork but also to ensure that the company culture will be instilled in the place. There’s a manager who takes care of the overall maintenance and peacefulness of the coworking space.

It is best and highly recommended that if there is someone causing disturbance not only to you but also to your fellow coworkers, you can always approach the coworking space admin team who manages the place. They are always ready to listen to feedback as they don’t just host the place where you can cowork, but also promote a professional working environment. If you decide to raise your concern with them, ensure that you’re only saying facts to avoid making the situation worse.


In Conclusion

Each and everyone has different personalities but it doesn’t mean that one cannot adjust to blend in. You would encounter different people at any given place. What you need to be doing is that you should always keep an open mind, be professional, and act like an adult who manages situations, even if it’s not pleasant, accordingly. 

If you encounter a difficult coworker in a shared office space, violence is not a solution. Handle it like a pro. Who knows that maybe this person just wants someone who would understand his/her situation. Instead of making them feel more isolated and branding them a nuisance in the coworking space, you should understand the situation first. Let the management of the establishment deal with this person the right way.

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