Business people talking at a table

Explore Your Start Up Tech-Business Idea!

Are you considering starting your own tech business or need a little help getting your business off of the ground? Or do you want to expand your network, engage with serial entrepreneurs, participate in discussions with experts to shape your business or develop your pitch presentation? If you answered yes to any of these you will want to check out Ben Franklin’s TechCelerator @ JD Brown Center for Entrepreneurship. 

Ben Franklin’s TechCelerator has partnered with York College’s JD Brown Center for Entrepreneurship and is inviting students, professors and the general public to apply to join the next Startup Boot Camp. The boot camp entails a weekly two-hour group session with content experts and a weekly one hour session with a startup business mentor to discuss specific individual needs and development opportunities. The goal of the program is to provide a framework that will enable you to have the information needed to determine if it is the right time to start your tech business.

The Startup Boot Camp lasts for 10 weeks and will culminate in a 6 minute presentation that will position your business to take the first step toward funding your tech startup. This presentation will test your skills during the final session and be done before a group of judges who have $10,000 to award. Registration for this program is free but space is limited and the deadline to apply is January 29, 2020 so don’t wait.

For more information about the program or to register click here.

When:  Thursday, February 6, 2020 until Thursday, April 9, 2020

Time: 4:00 PM– 6:00 PM.  

Location:    JD Brown Center for Entrepreneurship at York College 

410 Kings Road – York, PA 17401

Note: The deadline to apply is Wednesday, January 29, 2020.   

If you have any questions contact Joe Hackett at 717-858-3046 or

About Ben Franklin Technology Partners/Central & Northern:

The largest seed investor in our region, Ben Franklin Technology Partners/CNP, (an initiative of the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development and funded by the Ben Franklin Technology Development Authority) provides investment capital, business support services, and startup boot camps to emerging tech-based companies and small, existing manufacturers for the purpose of creating and retaining jobs in Pennsylvania.  Visit Ben Franklin’s website at

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