If you have just started a business you know that there is a lot of overhead that goes into it. The red tape alone keeps some people from starting and then you throw in the cost of renting a physical office space as well as furnishing it, and well, it may be more than you can bear. It does not have to be that difficult. Co-working spaces are a great way for a burgeoning entrepreneur or even an established business owner to conduct their business with many of the same benefits.
Why A Professional Office Setting Is Needed?
A professional office setting is just that, professional. Many people can concentrate or work better in that setting and having everyone nearby helps to streamline everything. Potential clients will be easier to woo in an office setting rather than on your couch with your roommate’s dirty laundry moved off of it or your significant other’s cat walking all over you. By having a professional office your clients will believe that you mean business.
An office setting is needed. You can’t conduct business out of your house, apartment or your parent’s basement. Well you can, but new clients may not be too impressed. Not only are these settings not professional they can be extremely distracting as well with roommates, family, pets or just the day to day noises of the neighborhood. An office setting allows for much better concentration and better productivity on your end.
An Office Gets Expensive Quickly!
The costs of having an office add up. Rent is certainly not cheap. It has to be furnished and office supplies will need to be purchased. Phones will need to be connected and don’t forget about the power bill, water bill, gas bill and the Internet. You may have to pay for repairs and for janitorial services as well. These costs add up and add up quickly. For an entrepreneur just getting started this can be overwhelming and you are locked into that for at least one year and maybe more. This can break many startups.
Have You Considered a Co-Working Space?
There is something that can give you the best of both worlds. Have you considered a co-working space? It gives you a professional setting with all of the amenities of a professional office with less of a hit to the bank account.
If you are thinking about this you are not the only one. Self-employment is on the rise with approximately 40% of the workforce expected to be self-employed in some capacity by 2020 (or a few days from now). Access comes via a membership and additional employees can be added by simply adding additional memberships. The cost of these at Freelance York are much more affordable than paying rent for an office.
Freelance York Is Here For You
Freelance York has the amenities that you need. We offer a conference room for meeting with clients or holding employee meetings. We have high speed Internet access via wifi with a wireless printer. We also have a kitchenette with a refrigerator, a toaster oven and a coffee maker. If you need to relax or take a break we offer a couch with video games. And there is much more that a membership at Freelance York offers.
Don’t forget as well that a co-working space is more than just the amenities. It is the people as well. You may have to look no further than the room next to you to find someone who can help you with a project or can provide expertise. That person working down the hall may be able to get your project over the top or help to set your work apart from your competitors. Why not be a part of the Freelance York family to help get your business off the ground or to take it to the next level? Schedule a tour today!