Great presentation! Group of business people in smart casual wea

Join The TechCelerator Finale on April 9th

Freelance York friends, are you tired of sitting at home with nothing to do? If you are, consider virtually attending the Spring 2020 York TechCelerator Pitch Presentation and Award Ceremony hosted by York College’s JD Brown Center for Entrepreneurship. Seven competitors will be making their pitches to three judges (State Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill, Patti Stirk and Mark Zeleznock) after 10 weeks of intense work developing plans, talking to potential customers and creating their pitch.

Up for grabs is a $10,000 prize but after all of their hard work there will be no losers as all participants have gained valuable experience and confidence. The finale will be get underway at 3:30 on Thursday, April 9th for Zoom Meeting setup and we ask that anyone interested in participating be logged in and ready to go by 3:50. Presentations will begin at 4!

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Itinerary for York TechCelerator Pitch Presentation and Award Ceremony

3:30 – 4:00PM:  Zoom meeting set up

4:00PM – 4:15PM:  Opening Remarks and Introductions

4:15PM – 5:45PM:   Company Pitch Presentations (6 min pitch, 5 min Q&A)

–              B.E.A.S.T. Initiative (LaQuinn Thompson)

–              BeSpokify.Me (Jacqueline Hart)

–              Jester Sedano’s Pockettrip (Jester Sedano)

–              Library on Demand (Lennon Mazonde)

–              Lotus Media (Rahad Khan and Ben Salazar)

–              Muragai – Guidepost (Correll French)

–              Rent-A-Hand (Thomas Almanza)

5:45PM – 6:15PM: Judge Deliberation in Breakout Room / Panel Discussion Main Zoom Room

6:15PM – 6:30PM: Awards and Closing Remarks


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