If you are doing a backyard project and need some heavy equipment chances are you are not going to go out and spend thousands of dollars to buy that equipment only to use it once and then store it in the garage. No, instead you are going to rent the machine and return it when you are done with it. As a freelancer you probably do not own every single piece of equipment or software necessary for working on the projects that you devote your time to. While you can’t really go out and rent that easily, you can easily join a coworking space!
What are the benefits?
Of course there are more benefits to joining a coworking space. The Harvard Business Review did a study in 2015 and came to several conclusions: First because the people using the space are not professional rivals or competitors there is no need to develop a work persona to fit in with the culture. Second, this allows for a culture of mutual aid where people with different skill sets come together and can work with each other. Last it creates a community with shared values where the freelancers don’t just feel like they are coming to work but are instead a part of a social movement.
Coworking spaces typically offers flexibility for its users. Freelancers have different hours. Some are night owls and can’t function until noon, some are morning people and need no coaxing to get out of bed. Some work part time jobs elsewhere. The hours that many coworking spaces set allows for this flexibility and allows for the members to control their time. Need to stop working to go pick up a child at school? Not a problem. Want to head to the gym before it gets packed? Go ahead. Need to get out of the house away from those lovable but annoying pets? You’ve got a place to go. These spaces offer all the same supports of a normal office with none of the inter-office politics and intrigue that go with it.
Step out of the house and into a community.
The freelancer community is as diverse as it is vast. Its members come from all races, creeds and backgrounds. That can open up new ideas that can make not only your own but their projects go much smoother. Who knows, that person sitting next to you may know exactly how to do whatever it is that you are stuck with. That person is there to work on their own project, not to compete with you for a promotion, which means they will be much more willing to help you as you will be to help them. This type of space is becoming so effective that many companies are trying to engineer their own workspaces the same way to tap into that positive energy.
Working at home can be much more convenient. There is no need to get into the car and drive anywhere since you can be at the office in less than a minute. This is not ideal for everyone. If the space is shared with a roommate they may be less than enthused about you taking up all of the space, not to mention you being less than enthused about them watching TV while you are trying to work. For the people who live alone, the lack of human contact can be draining on them. Being at home can also lead to a lack of focus whether it be from a nosy neighbor or the Fedex delivery guy.
Equipment, networking and a place to start.
Besides the ability to focus better and to learn from others coworking spaces have other things to offer. Software suites can be expensive and purchasing one may not be economically feasible. A coworking space may have that software available to use meaning no out of pocket expense for you besides your rental fee. Purchasing expensive equipment may also not be economically feasible for you. That coworking space may have that equipment for your use. A coworking space can be ideal for someone who is just starting out or someone who is taking on a job that that requires that equipment or software. Chances are there is also someone there that can help with its operation as well.
With a coworking space you have an office that you can work from, a meeting room that you can meet with clients or your other employees and you have a pool of knowledge with the other members of that space. What you do not have are all of the headaches that come with owning a conventional office like cleaning and maintenance to insurance premiums. So if you are looking for a space to call your office in York consider joining Freelance York.