Free Consultation

We express our deepest gratitude and respect for the men and women who have served our country. Your bravery, sacrifice, and dedication have made our nation stronger and our future brighter.


How Freelance York can impact your local business or organization.

Small business owners, do you need meeting or event space or just somewhere quiet to complete your work? If you do, the co-working space at Freelance York may be just what you are looking for. Complete with desk space, meeting and seminar space, high-speed internet we are York, Pennsylvania’s one stop shop when it comes to a co-working space.

We have the tools and resources that you need to help take your business to the next level and to give yourself the financial freedom that you desire. Freelance York offers a laid back and business conducive environment that you can come to and do what you need to do. If you need a professional setting to conduct a meeting with your team or a client do it at Freelance York!

If you would like to check out what we offer feel free to schedule a tour, at the initial tour we can set you up with a discounted 1 week trial so you can get to know what Freelance York has to offer first hand. Give us a call at 717-424-9219 or email us at


We are happy to work with and have met so many local businesses.

Our Team

Here's our team, on site or nearby just about every day.

David Brooks Sr

Nicely Done Sites

David, founder of Nicely Done Sites and Freelance York manages community outreach and tours at our location.


We are available for tours 7 days a week, after your tour you are welcome to set up your free day as a trial!
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