Programs & Events

Join us in bringing together people, ideas, and resources. Learn, network, and build something amazing with FreelanceYork!

Internships & Apprenticeships

Many of our Employer Partners have adopted the use of Internship and Apprenticeship Programs in order bring in new talent, help them build skills, learn the company culture, and begin contributing in a significant way (often times where it pays)!

Are you an Employer seeking interns or apprentices? We’ll list your requirements on this site and direct applications to your inbox.

FreelanceYork Events

We regularly host and/or organize private and public trainings, workshops, challenges, mixers, and other types of events.

Calendar of Events to be added soon!

Host An Event

Host your event with FreelanceYork! Our space can accommodate your 

We can help you grow!

Set up a time to meet and discuss your goals.
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